Cookie policy

On May 26th 2011 a new EU originated law came into effect that requires website owners to make significant changes to their sites and may fundamentally change the whole web browsing and shopping experience for everybody. This ‘Cookie Law’ is amended privacy legislation that requires websites to obtain informed consent from visitors before they can store or retrieve any information on a computer or any other web connected device.

Our website uses various cookies which are essential to its operation.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a data file that websites save on your computer so that your computer is recognised the next time you visit the website. Cookies are sent back and forth between your browser and a web server and contain information such as:

  • User settings
  • Website personal preferences

A cookie is a passive file and cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs. They are often used to help analyse how a website is used, so that the web owner may improve the user experience. In many instances, cookies can be necessary to provide a specific service.

Types of cookies
Cookies are often deleted from your hard drive when closing your browser (these are known as session cookies). However, cookies can also be set with an expiry date so that data may be stored for shorter or longer periods (known as persistent cookies). Persistent cookies are typically saved on your computer’s hard drive.

Furthermore, there is a distinction between first party cookies and third party cookies. First party cookies are left by the web page the user is visiting. Third party cookies are left by a third party, which has elements embedded on the web page the user is visiting.

Cookies on

On we primarily use cookies for web analysis to optimise user experience on the website.

Cookies from Web Analysis Tool, Google Analytics

On we use Google Analytics to analyse how visitors use our website. The information which the cookie collects about your visit (traffic data, including your IP address) is sent to and saved on Google servers, primarily; within the EU, but potentially in multiple locations around the world.

Google uses the information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on your active use of the website and offers other services related to activities on the website and use of the internet. Google can also forward the information to a third party, if legally required to do so, or if the third party processes the information on Google’s behalf.

Google Analytics places two types of cookies:

  • A persistent cookie that shows if you are a returning user, where the user comes from, which search machine they use, keywords, etc.
  • Session cookies that show when and how long a user is on the website. Session cookies expire after every session i.e. when you close the tab or browser.

Google does not correlate your IP address with other information it possesses.

Read more about Google Analytics cookies:

How to restrict cookies
You can prevent cookies being stored on your computer by selecting the relevant settings in your browser. Be advised though, that without cookies, you may not be able to use all functions of a website. As a cookie is always located with you, the client, it is always possible for you to see, change or delete these cookies. We hope that you will allow the cookies we place in order to help us improve the website.
If you do not wish to receive cookies from, most of the newer browser versions allow you to select advanced cookie options under internet options. You can then add the domain to the list of websites that you wish to block cookies from.

You may also use this option to delete individual cookies or all of the cookies saved by your browser.

If you change the function settings to restrict cookies, please note that it may reduce the functionality of some websites.

Restricting Cookies from Google Analytics

If you would prefer that your visit is not registered by Google Analytics, you can avail of Google’s Opt-Out Browser Add-on. Please note, that your visits to other websites that use Google Analytics will not be registered if you install this browser plug-in.

Further Advice from the Most Commonly Used Browsers

Cookies used on this website

Platfform, via


Google Universal Analytics sets a unique ID that is used to calculate data for analytics reports. More information about Google privacy policy (

First Party

Browser session to [X] years